Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mistaken Identity Department

So I'm living in San Antonio with my folks, kinda...regrouping. For one thing, back this Fall, my landlord sold my apartment building in Williamsburg for (what I hope/suspect was) a TON of money, Williamsburg real estate being very hot these days, so I had to git, after six years living there. So I moved in with (in a platonic way, you understand--I mean, I rented a room from) a tiny German minimalist painter just a couple blocks away from my apartment building, who was subletting rooms (illegally, it turned out) in his giant art studio. Then he got evicted this Spring for illegally-subletting rooms, and coincidentally I graduated with my B.A. from the New School, so I decided that rather that trying to find another cheap W-burg room, I'd come home for a bit and stare at my diploma (which has yet to arrive) and weigh my options.

Grad school?

Move to a foreign land and teach English?

Write freelance, grouse, and listen to a lot of José González?

Well, for the time being, I've decided on plan C.

Barbara (which is what I call my readership, collectively), you can even read two of my efforts




I have more to say about all of this, and I will.

How're y'all?


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