End of S'mester!
I just got my final Southern Modernists paper back (title: A Divine Comedy: Satire and Salvation in Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man Is Hard to Find)and I got an A! Whoo! I'm such a grade-grubber now.
Flannery O'Connor (see illustration)is a favorite writer of mine. She accomplished SO MUCH in such a small amount of time, despite being quite ill most of her adult life. She died of lupus at age 39, in 1964, after writing two novels, thirty-one short stories, and many essays and letters. We read a lot of her in this Southern Modernists class. My godsister-in-law Angie gave me her collected works a couple years ago, and it came in way handy. I recommend O'Connor, especially if you dig moments of transcendent grace occasioned by horrific violence. Plus, she's funny (I swear). Her letters are terrific, too. In one from the early fifties, she mentions to a friend that the local TV station wanted to interview her for some local TV show, but that she wasn't in favor of it. She said something along the lines of, "I'd hate some little boy to turn on the television set, hoping to find The Bat Man, and come across me."
The Bat Man!
In other Southern-Modernist news, my sister Annie and brother-in-law Matt are at a Lance Armstrong Foundation dinner tonight in Austin, which Bill Clinton is attending also. I hope they get to meet him. I am hella envious. I've always been a sucker for Bill, pardon the pun.
Finally, y'all all pray for the Spurs tonight. They gotta win in Dallas to stay in the playoffs.
edited Saturday morning to add:
Like my newly-regional Southern spelling of "semester!?" Earlier it was a typo. Just added that apostrophe. Nice, right?
MORE IMPORTANTLY: the Spurs pulled it off! WOOOO! I like to think Flannery O'Connor maybe had something to do with it. Maybe she interceded. She's always gonna go for the Catholic town, surely. Especially in last-minute, do-or-die situations. GO SPURS GO!
Please take this the right way:
You're so god damned cute! Is it hard work being that cute or does it just come natural, like sunshine?
zvsaBelieve it or not Bill Clinton was pretty cute.
Sarah, you're cute too.
Lance Armstong... not cute.
Shut up, Grantley, I'm FIERCE! FIERCE! RRAARRR!
And Annie, I always suspected Lance Armstrong might be a little...grim. And speaking of cute, when I called Mom and Dad Friday night, Lilly answered the phone! With EXCELLENT PHONE MANNERS!
cutie, are you all done with school for the summer now? and, plus, i emailed you.
Playoffs?! Do I know you?
You probably know what sport it is, too.
I almost didn't post this cuz the word verification seemed too onerous. I think that means I should go to bed.
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