I've probably mentioned this before, but my cel phone has a camera in it.
This is my bathroom. Yep.
This lady is my New Yorker Of The Week, y'all. I took this a few days ago, when the heat index here was 110 degrees. Pretty much every person I set eyes on was half-naked and sweaty in a bad, cranky, unflattering way, not a hott TV So You Think You Can Dance kinda way. Then I noticed this lady. She was wearing a dark-blue gabardine suit comprised of a short-sleeved jacket and nifty culottes, with a flame-red blouse underneath and a white straw hat. I wasn't ballsy enough to approach her or anything. So here's a back view. She was awesome, I swear. Also, she might've been a dude.
This is Chuck Ramirez in his back yard in San Antonio, Texas. The pint glasses of colored water speak to me. I dig how this photo turned out, overall. Chuck's a great artist who lives next door to another great artist, my pal Kimberly Aubuchon.
Here's Kimberly:
Kimberly and I have a metal band called Shades of Eddie Money. Our first single gonna drop someday, bitches.
My friend Anne and I were hanging out in the East Village the other night and came across this thing just sitting in a puddle. It's the top of a stool, a plastic flamingo, and some greenery. It was really deliberate-seeming. Right on, I say! Thank you, Public Sculptor, whoever you are.
Gene made this balloon hat he's wearing. Soon after I took this photo, it popped. Gene exclaimed, "Well! Apropos of nothing, my hat explodes!" Anyone who can quip thusly after suffering a hat explosion is aces in my book.
HAHAHAAHAHAHAA!!! I'm just so glad this kid had the guts to 'fess up. I don't know which organization is responsible for this bus-kiosk PSA but I love them. DON'T LET YOUR KIDS EAT HOUSEPLANTS. THAT SHIT IS POISONOUS, PROBABLY! FURTHERMORE, PLANT-EATING CHILDREN MAY MOVE ON TO EATING PHONES.