Saturday, May 27, 2006

Witness re-creation drawings

Now that Finals are over with, I finally have a little downtime to indulge even my inanest curiosities. I've been Google Image Searching, see, and I've always had a soft spot for witness re-creation drawings. It seems a very passionate form of artwork. I'm almost always mysteriously touched by them, even if I'm rigidly skeptical of the phenomena depicted. I think this may be part of Nessie:

Here is a very nice rendering of UFOs above a stand of trees. The captions are a nice counterpoint to the minimalist drawing asthetic, I think.

This artist invites you to sneak up behind Bigfoot...

This one warns, DON'T LET HIM CATCH YOU!

Not supernatural at all: handmade monument to air tragedy, November 2001:

This one's really mysterious, as it appears in some foreign alphabet--an account of an alien spacecraft? A rendering of a WWI-era helmet? A haunted soup bowl? Tell me if you can read it.

I'm not sure what's going on here, either--an army of beaver-mounted robots versus the Brontosaurus Brigade and the Deadly Upside-Down Squad? In any case, it's beautiful.

Friday, May 19, 2006

End of S'mester!

I just got my final Southern Modernists paper back (title: A Divine Comedy: Satire and Salvation in Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man Is Hard to Find)and I got an A! Whoo! I'm such a grade-grubber now.

Flannery O'Connor (see illustration)is a favorite writer of mine. She accomplished SO MUCH in such a small amount of time, despite being quite ill most of her adult life. She died of lupus at age 39, in 1964, after writing two novels, thirty-one short stories, and many essays and letters. We read a lot of her in this Southern Modernists class. My godsister-in-law Angie gave me her collected works a couple years ago, and it came in way handy. I recommend O'Connor, especially if you dig moments of transcendent grace occasioned by horrific violence. Plus, she's funny (I swear). Her letters are terrific, too. In one from the early fifties, she mentions to a friend that the local TV station wanted to interview her for some local TV show, but that she wasn't in favor of it. She said something along the lines of, "I'd hate some little boy to turn on the television set, hoping to find The Bat Man, and come across me."


The Bat Man!

In other Southern-Modernist news, my sister Annie and brother-in-law Matt are at a Lance Armstrong Foundation dinner tonight in Austin, which Bill Clinton is attending also. I hope they get to meet him. I am hella envious. I've always been a sucker for Bill, pardon the pun.

Finally, y'all all pray for the Spurs tonight. They gotta win in Dallas to stay in the playoffs.

edited Saturday morning to add:
Like my newly-regional Southern spelling of "semester!?" Earlier it was a typo. Just added that apostrophe. Nice, right?
MORE IMPORTANTLY: the Spurs pulled it off! WOOOO! I like to think Flannery O'Connor maybe had something to do with it. Maybe she interceded. She's always gonna go for the Catholic town, surely. Especially in last-minute, do-or-die situations. GO SPURS GO!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


WHAT A GAME TONIGHT! Spurs still in the playoffs!
Man, I'd hate to see these fine athletes and worthy gentlemen lose to Dallas. Fuckin' Dallas, I've always resented you, with your self-important big-city right-wing JR Ewing Kennedy-shooting ways. Often, when people find I am from Texas, they automatically ask if I am from Dallas.
HELL to the NO.
San Antonio recently superseded Dallas in population,* by the way.
Look how awesome Manu and Timmy are:


*just Dallas proper I think, not the "metroplex."

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Photo Round-Up

I think I want this job.
Whatever it is, I bet I can handle doing it part-time.

I made up a new character, by the way. My name is Mrs. Knapp and I am a poor widow. I found that scarf in the garbage can in the laundromat!If you see me around the neighborhood, say hi!

Here are people playing night softball in McCarren Park. This makes me wish I had a slightly better camera. Night softball is very beautiful, I think.

This next thing is kind of scary, so watch out.
This lawn decoration was in place on Conselyea Street last month.
Whooo is it...? WHO'S IN THERE??

(whirring noise)


Inflatable bunny robot, extending from a ...pumpkin?
Perhaps. PERHAPS.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Right now, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, I want you to pump your fist in the air and shout GUITAR HOSTAGE! That is the name of my newest band. It's a metal band.



Other imaginary bands I am in:
Shades of Eddie Money (Eddie Money cover band)
FBI Lady Friend (ragga)
Pieces of Sweet Kitty (punk)

What fictional bands are y'all in??

Monday, May 01, 2006


I spelled the post title that-a-way because I never can figure out how to get a tilde going. A tilde is that squiggly line over an n. I should sprobably eventually figure out how to type one, seeing as how I do plan to be functional in Spanish one day.

My final exam is tomorrow. Luckily it will be hand-written.

Things I have learned en mi clase de Espagnole:
1. Mi compagnera de clase, Akiko, NUNCA le regala NADA a su papa. (Pero no se porque.)
2. El Lago de Titicaca no es chistoso.
3. A la profesora favorita de Nadine en Alemania del Este le gustaba cantar marchas comunistas.
4. John Leguizamo es Colombiano, no es Puertoriquegno! COLOMBIANO, ENTIENDES?
5. Los Tamil Tigers son muy seriosos.
6. Chris, un padre nuevo, teme mucho la organizacion se llama La Leche League.