That's me dear owd pal
Jeff Mac: congratulations on winning Mr. Lower East Side, dude!* The women and gay men of below-14th like the cut of your jib, sir. You are my New Yorker of the Day. Although you are from Connecticut. Connecticut-HAHA! That's not a real place. Anyhow, Jeff, you did some mighty fancy "80's martial arts dancing," is what I would call it.
That's Jeff in his crown in that photo.**

Dang y'all, I wish this photo had turned out better. I was a little ambivalent about photographing somebody without his knowledge, here, but I did it anyway. Se the gentleman with the waist-length hair, ornate jacket, and black and white cotton leggings with the oversized houndstooth print? I love him, you see.
Here he is again. Can you tell which gentleman I mean?

Well, anyhow, everybody loved him. People on the train other than I were loving him also, I'm pretty sure. He was totally rocking the Chuck Taylor hightops too. I felt it was important for y'all to see and appreciate him, Barbara, becuase he is my New Yorker of the Day Numero Dos.
*A satirical drunken all-dude non-beauty pageant conceived by
Reverend Jen.Former Mr. Lower East Sides have been Jonny McGovern, Mike Amato, John Ennis,
Neal Medlyn, Eric Kirchberger, and Moonshine Shorey.
**Photo by Tom Tenney